Our Testimonials

A client is the best judge of your work. We are honoured to work with
some exemplary people and here’s what they have to say about us.

Amit Bhatia, Business Owner, Mumbai

I started my Low Carb journey with Anjali in November.

Previously I had tried the Vegan approach to manage my diabetes, but was totally unhappy with the results.

After I contacted Anjali and spoke to her, I was convinced this is the way forward.

My weight is down by 10% and my HbA1C has reduced from 6.9 to 6.4 and my fasting insulin also reduced from 25 to 14 within 3 months. I’m currently off medications and am very happy about it.

The best part about Anjali is that she gives you a patient hearing and resolves all your queries. Overall, I’m very happy with the program.

Banu, IT Professional, Bengaluru

I reduced my weight by 9kg in 3 months by consuming low-carb, moderate fat and high protein food without much of workouts/ jog. I was 74 kg and now I am back to my old weight of 65 kg.

After taking consultation with Anjali, I’m able to fast for 16-19 hours a day. Its not starving, in fact you don’t feel much hunger when you start with this program – whether you are at home or office or on vacation.

Some of the benefits I experienced are:

– With the right food intake, my eye power reduced (this was the first time in life that something strange, good happened😊).

– My sleep patterns have improved.

– I’m very active now, I don’t get stressed. I feel like I have got extra powers.

Anjali provided me all the help and guidance over the video calls every week. She not just gave the right guidance for me but also to my children and the elders in my family as well. She is a very motivational and inspiring person to connect with.

Her Mt.Everest Base Camp experience has motivated me a lot, thanks so much for sharing the details with me.

Vinaya Anand, School Teacher, Bengaluru

My sincere gratitude and a BIG THANK YOU for guiding me to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For the past three months it had been an amazing journey of transformation and all my dreams that looked far too distant appear to be closer now.

Weight loss could be a temporary goal. Good health, improved energy, better immunity, brain health and positivity should be the permanent endeavours. This is what I learnt from the program EAT FIT GET FIT. I’m so glad to get associated with you because this programme made me realise how important is ‘right eating’ in order to lose weight.Your tenacious connect and approachability has instilled the determination in me to follow all your guidelines meticulously and focus on good nutrition on a daily basis. I have lost 6.5 kg in last three months and that motivates me to double this figure in next three months .

I would recommend this program to everyone as it helps us to choose a path that best suits our lifestyle, hassle free cooking, and simple meals that can be fixed with very little preparation.

Thank you Anjali for making me realise that the primary role of food is to fuel and nourish us rather than something just fancy..!! Yes, this process will take months, and so patience is the key.

I wish you loads of success and happiness in life.

Best Regards,

Vinaya Anand

Varsha, College Student, Bengaluru

3 months with you under your low carb program was amazing and it met every single expectations I had.

My periods were very irregular and unpredictable ranging from 40-50 days and now they are just 30-32 days apart!

I sleep better and feel more energetic too. When my periods were irregular, they used to be very painful which would make me skip classes at college but once I changed my way of eating, they are quite literally painless. Along with this, the dizziness I used to experience earlier has disappeared too.

I would definitely recommend this program to others who suffer with metabolic issues. I’m so thankful for Anjali ma’am and her knowledge which helped me get to this stage.

Sangeetha, Mom of 2, UK

Anjali has been amazing. In 90 days I have lost 7kg . The difference between this and so many other weight loss programs I have tried in the past is that it tackles the psychology behind why we overeat, or sabotage our progress, why we place such emotional ties to food.

It’s been eye opening and life changing. I’m learning to incorporate healthier foods and movement into my daily life in a way that I never have before, all while being encouraged and supported…it has been amazing so far!!!I

Sangeetha Arun, Mom of 2, UK

I started this program for weight loss . My weight loss journey had plateaued. My confidence level was very low and I was on the verge of quitting. I was very hesitant to start the LCHF program.

I heard about Anjali through one of my friends and thought to give it a try. With Anjali’s help I have understood about what is LCHF and what we need to follow and how to look afer what we eat and not to eat. I followed everything Anjali suggested. My weight loss journey started again. My weight loss was very consistent . I have lost 7kgs in the last 90 days.

Now I’m confident that I will achieve my goal soon

Revathy, Banker, Chennai

I had always been a bit overweight and out of shape. I would get tired easily and was not able to keep up with my friends & family during vacation trips. I knew that I needed to make some changes, so I consulted Anjali.

As per her suggestions, I cut out processed foods, sugar, and carbs from my diet. I started eating low carbs food. I also started exercising regularly. At first, it was hard. I had more energy, and I was losing weight. I have now lost 7 kgs in 6 weeks.

I decided to challenge myself by climbing a hill (Sholinghur – 1305 steps) that I had always wanted to climb. I started the climb slowly, but I made steady progress. Finally, I reached the top of the hill. I was exhausted, but I was also exhilarated. I had achieved something that I thought was not possible for me.

That experience taught me a valuable lesson about the power of healthy eating and exercise.

Ravishankar, Retired Banker, Chennai

Regarding your consultation it’s five star for sure.

You took great care to study my parameters, and come out with exhaustive combo of supplements, food choices, and especially plenty of items that are to be avoided.. Your analogy of human body to a vehicle and the obvious need for a clean and efficient fuel to body is worth remembering.. You also gave nice tips how to manage social gatherings with regard to food. Your con-cal was very informative and you bundled lot of things as to how diabetes will be reversed slowly with the guidance.

Very kind of you

Thanks a ton

Nagghappan, IT Professional, USA

As someone struggling to manage my A1c levels, I decided to seek help from a low carb coach, and it turned out to be a game-changer for my health journey. From the start, Anjali demonstrated a deep understanding of the impact of a low carb lifestyle on blood sugar control and overall well-being.

What impressed me the most about Anjali was her personalized approach. She took the time to assess my current dietary habits and medical history, creating a customized plan that suited my needs and preferences. She provided a wealth of resources, meal ideas, and practical tips that made the transition to a low carb diet surprisingly smooth.

Anjali’s knowledge of nutrition and its effect on blood sugar levels was evident in every interaction. She explained complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner, empowering me to make informed choices about the foods I consume. Moreover, she debunked common myths surrounding low carb diets, helping me feel confident in my decision to follow this approach.

Throughout the coaching process, the support and encouragement I received were invaluable. Anjali was always available to address my questions and concerns, providing timely feedback and motivating me to stay on track. She was genuinely invested in my progress and celebrated every improvement in my A1c levels, no matter how small.

Thanks to the guidance and expertise of Anjali, my A1c levels have significantly improved. Not only that, but I have also experienced increased energy levels and better overall health. The low carb lifestyle has become a sustainable and enjoyable part of my daily routine, and I owe it all to the guidance of this incredible coach.

If you’re looking to reduce your A1c levels and take control of your health, I wholeheartedly recommend working with Anjali. Her knowledge, dedication, and unwavering support will undoubtedly make a positive impact on your journey to better health and well-being.

Results achieved :

A1C : from 11.4 to 7.0

FF Glucose : from 231 to 106

T-Chol : from 256 to 206

Triglycerides: from 197 to 113

LDL-C : from 177 to to 136

Priya Ram, IT Professional, USA

I had the privilege of working with Anjali, and I can confidently say that it was a life-changing experience. As a low carb nutrionist, Anjali demonstrated a level of expertise, support, and dedication that exceeded all my expectations.

Right from the start, Anjali made me feel comfortable and listened attentively to my health concerns and goals. Her in-depth knowledge of low carb nutrition was evident as she crafted a personalized plan tailored to my specific needs and lifestyle. Her customized approach made the entire process feel manageable and sustainable, unlike any other diet I had tried before.

Throughout our sessions, Anjali went above and beyond to educate me about the benefits of a low carb lifestyle and its positive impact on my overall health. She explained the science behind the approach in a clear and accessible manner, making it easier for me to understand the reasoning behind the dietary choices. Her ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and approachable manner was truly commendable, making me feel empowered to make informed choices about my diet and maintain my commitment to the plan.

One of the standout qualities of Anjali is her unwavering support and motivation. She celebrated every little victory with genuine enthusiasm, which encouraged me to stay on track and persevere during challenging moments. Her continuous reassurance and belief in my progress were pivotal in boosting my confidence and self-discipline.

The resources provided by Anjali were invaluable in helping me navigate the low carb journey seamlessly. From meal plans and recipe ideas to grocery shopping tips and snack suggestions, I felt well-equipped to make healthier choices and incorporate variety into my diet.

Moreover, Anjali was always available to answer my questions, provide guidance, and offer insightful advice. Her responsiveness and commitment to my success were remarkable and made me feel like a priority throughout our coaching relationship.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend Anjali as a health coach to anyone seeking positive and lasting changes in their health and well-being. She is not just a nutritionist coach but a compassionate mentor who genuinely cares about her clients’ growth and transformation.

Thank you, Anjali, for being a guiding light on my journey to a healthier and happier life.

